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Archive for January, 2007

If anyone will get this...

January 15th, 2007 at 02:51 am

I just remembered this because I was telling my dad and I had to share with y'all, because I'm sure it will cause people here to roll their eyes just as much as I did.

On Friday, a coworker -- I'll call her J -- and I were, um, using company time inappropriately and chatting in the breakroom. We were talking about our money goals and what steps we were taking to get there. So I explained my 50% a month plan and asked her questions about the home buying process, since she's been through it. She told me about what she and her husband are doing to get set for parenthood; she's due in a few months. Her plan boils down to paying off the last little bit on her car, so they'll only have their mortgage and utilities to worry about while she's on maternity leave, and then have a little bit extra saved up, hopefully.

Another coworker, C, inturrupted us and said, "Why don't you just enjoy your money?"

C continued on in this vein for quite some time (I think I actually had a bingo on the forum discussion of stupid excuses for not saving). Meanwhile, J and I were making cartoon faces of shock. Aside from the rudeness of interrupting someone else's conversation, there's the sheer comedy of C giving anyone financial advice, because we've heard C on the phone with her various creditors, some of whom are actually collection agencies.

I bit my tongue -- I do have to work with the woman -- but I just couldn't get over someone in that situation telling me to enjoy my money. Because collection calls are so enjoyable, you know?