Home > To Done list

To Done list

October 17th, 2006 at 12:01 am

Played with the car insurance. Discovered that my current carrier can take $8/month off after correcting their records (I could have sworn I told them I had ABS and dual air-bags, but whatever). I'm still going to attempt to find a lower rate, but I feel some success.

Opened a better savings account than I had (Citibank eSavings, 5.0%, vs Day-to-Day Savings, 0.7%). Transferred the $500 I had in the old savings account and an additional $580 from checking. Let the interest compound! I could do better, but 0.25% does not cancel out the ease of having everything under one roof.

4 Responses to “To Done list”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I don't know if you meant to put it that way, but I like a "to done" list! Sounds more emphatic!

  2. ren Says:

    It was more that it was only stuff I'd already completed, but yeah, it does sound good. I'll just be over here pretending that was totally intentional! *g*

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    CB took the complement right out of my mouth, er, typing fingers!

  4. Amber Says:

    Every dollar counts

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