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Grocery day!

November 27th, 2006 at 11:42 pm

I escaped just under $50, which is pretty good for me. Checking the flyer ahead of time was a good plan, one which I'll have to be more disciplined about in the future.

Another thing that helps is I'm pretty well stocked on spices now. When I didn't cook much from scratch, I could get away with nothing more than salt and pepper. As I make more of an effort to only eat what I cook, well, one needs a bit more to work with. Also, I'm trying to eat more fruits and veggies, which are gloriously cheap even in the winter (well, compared to meat -- I'm from a meat and potatoes family).

So, shopping is done for another couple weeks and mole chili is bubbling away in the crock pot to supplement last week's vegetable soup. I'll clean the kitchen when I go to add the last seasonings to the chili. Feeling mighty productive!

1 Responses to “Grocery day!”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Cooking from scratch always saves you money. You've got a good headstart on the holidays.

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